Friday 27 January 2012

Robbo Reverse 2.0.12 - The Mysteries of Age Reversing and Operation 10% Body Fat

Not a great fitness week for me. Started Ok by doing an Insanity DVD on Saturday morning however spent the remainder of Saturday drinking booze and eating pizza. Of course on Sunday I could not be bothered to do anything. Then I had Monday and Tuesday off for Heathers birthday – which resulted in excellent leisure time and nice food but no exercising or diet plan was stuck too. Managed to go to the Gym Wednesday through to Friday. So I have a hard week of exercise and dieting ahead. Time to dig deeper.

My daily allowance of calories for the following week (for a 196 pound man) is 2340 calories, which need to contain a minimum of 133g of protein.

SHORT TERM GOALS – WEEK 25 – 28/02/2012 – 03/02/2012
Saturday – Insanity DVD
Sunday – Yoga
Monday – Gym, Cardio
Tuesday – Gym, Cardio
Wednesday – Gym, Cardio
Thursday – Gym, Cardio
Friday – Insanity DVD

Long Term - Goal
Achieve and maintain 10% Body Fat by Gym week 44 which is 8th June 2012. Current Week 24 = 20.6%.
Please see link attached – which charts my progress or lack of it J

Iphone Apps and Websites – I am currently enjoying
The Random Show – Tim Ferris - website
I will teach you to be rich – Ramit Sethi - website
Quantified Self - website
Calorie Count - App
Iron Man Mag - App
Fitness Explorer – Website
TED Conferences – Website and App
Weight Plan App


The Roberts Definition of Age Reverse.

Obviously I will age, my cells will pack up and I will die. This can not be stopped.

However your fitness age is something completely different. This is quantified by brain functioning, metabolism, cardio health, hormone levels etc

I am 31 years old. So my body is unfortunately on the decline. A lot of the problems of fitness age, can actually all be slowed – by the very things I am doing at the minute = weight training, yoga and cardio. One instance, as a 31 year old man my testosterone levels will decrease by around 4% a year until they are all gone, which has some various and obvious side effects….poor little Robbo!!! However, weight lifting increases testosterone levels, as your body has to start producing more to help build muscle. In fact most areas associated with declining fitness age, can in fact be slowed and actually improved. So as in my opinion as an above average fitness aged 31 year old, can I slow time – i.e. when I am 40 year old man, could I have a fitness age of a 35 year old. I believe I can, so have therefore slowed time! But can you go further than that? As a 40 year old man, could I have a better fitness age than I do now? Again, Yes I believe I can. Meaning – I have reversed time. There is no reason as a 40 year old for example I couldn’t have a fitness age of 30 or below….. Hence age reverse is possible with warped logic….. But it will take dedication and hard work. Not always my best attributes.

The reason why I blog is all down to author Tim Ferriss. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to make goals public. So that people are aware if you achieve or fail, which is a powerful motivator.

~~Tim Ferriss ~~ The Four Hour Body ~~ Review ~~
How do you manage the self-discipline to bear down on learning a skill? Ferriss suggests you begin by treating your new regime as a trial (vowing permanence can be discouraging)--- give it 2 weeks or 5 serious sessions. By that point early rewards from the discipline will keep you going. You have to measure to detect the rewards ("What gets measured gets managed"--Peter Drucker), and score-keeping lets you make your progress a competitive game with others---which becomes its own motivation. Make public bets about your specific goals, where you'll pay painfully if you fail. "Loss aversion" is a surprisingly powerful incentive.”

I will tweet daily regarding my diet and mental and physical workouts. Then every Friday, I will do a summary blog. Regarding weekly goals, and my progress to my Mid and Long term goals. These are personal goals only, and will not include career goals. As Joey Barton the philosopher has found out Twitter/blogs can get you into a lot of trouble in your Job. Plus I find it distasteful.

This blog is called Robbo Reverse. This is about how I can improve my body and mind, aka Age Reversing. I am 31 and I intend to improve and indeed better that age for years to come…..confused ????

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